AI (Artificial Intelligence) & Intellectual Property: Discussions current French-Thai meetings of February 2018.

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Soazig THEMOIN, Partner of the VIDON Group, assisted by Mathilde Tachon representing our Bangkok office, presented with the AFPI, the Grenoble CRJ and the Business Law Center of Aix Marseille University the point of view of the owners and Attorneys facing the stakes of protection of the AI’s creations and inventions.



A first discussion took place at the University of Thammasat, at the initiative of the French Law Center. Our special thanks go to Dean Udom RATHAMRIT and to the Director of Nontawat NAWATRAKULPISUT.

Discussions continued with the judges and in particular those practicing near the section specialized in IP and international law. Our respectful thanks go to Judge Suvicha Nagavajra and the judges and mediators attending the conference.

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