Patrice VIDON


Patrice VIDON

President of Groupe VIDON strategic committee
French and European Patent Attorney
French & European Trademark and Design Attorney


Paris Rennes

  • French
  • English
  • German
  • Chinese
  • Japanese
  • Russian
Bureau Veritas Certification ISO 9001

Technical fields

  • Global Industrial Property Strategy (patents, trademarks, trade secrets and related rights)
  • Technology Transfer and Research & Development Contracts,
  • Competition & IP Law ; Standards & Patents ; Patent pools
  • Due diligence ; IP Audits ; IP Evaluation & Financing of innovation
  • National and international IP litigations
  • IP Strategies in Asia
  • Technical fields :
    • Mechanics ; physics ; industrial engineering & processes
    • Electronics – Telecommunications – Computer Science


  • French Patent and Trademark Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney (registered by the European Patent Office)
  • European Trademark and Design Attorney (registered by OHIM – Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market) (Community Trademarks and Designs)

Memberships, Publications, Presentations

  • CNCPI (French Institute of Industrial Property Attorneys)
  • EPI (European Patent Institute)
  • L.E.S (Licensing Executives Society)
  • AIPPI-France ; AFPPI
  • Foreign Member of CIPA (Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys), UK
  • Foreign Member of AIPLA (American Intellectual Property Attorneys Association), USA


  • Lecturer at IEEPI (Strasbourg), CEIPI (Strasbourg, IGR (Rennes) and IP Management Master (Paris 1 Sorbonne)
  • « Guest lecturer» at the Asian Institute of Technology’s School of Management, Pathumthani, Thaïland


  • MSc (Ingénieur-diplômé) in Mechanics, Materials, Processes & Computer Science, Institut Catholique d’Arts & Métiers (ICAM), Lille, France
  • LL.B, Université de Paris 2 (Panthéon-Sorbonne)
  • MA in Economics and Finance, Sciences-Po Paris, (Political Science)
  • CEIPI graduate (Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Industrielle, Strasbourg) (International Industrial Property Studies Centre)
  • European Patent Attorney (European Patent Office –Munich

Biography and experience

As Founding and Managing Partner of Vidon IP Law Group (Europe – Asia), the first branch office of which was created in 1988, Patrice VIDON manages and coordinates activities of all branches and subsidiaries of the Group. VIDON IP Law Group has its head office located in Rennes, France and includes more than 40 IP Atorneys, lawyers and agents and more than 100 associates distributed between eight offices, namely: four offices in France (Paris, Rennes, Nantes, Laval), one office in Germany and three branch offices in Asia (Shanghai, Hong Kong, Bangkok).

Patrice Vidon’s practice is currently mainly directed at setting up and implementing worldwide patent and IP business-related strategies, including patent litigation and contract management in Asia, continental Europe, and the USA. He has gained substantial experience in IP litigation in Asia, Europe and the USA, and is a frequent team leader for strategic cases involving trademarks, designs and other IP rights. He contributes as well to defining IPR-driven business strategies, and to drafting IPR FTO, due diligence and valuation opinions, and is an experienced practitioner in patent & competition law issues such as standard-essential patents related issues. He is a frequent lecturer in numerous forums in Europe, Asia and the USA.

Beside managing the development of Vidon Group (More than 40 IP attorneys, agents and laweyrs in 8 offices in Europe and Asia), P. Vidon is a current President of Novincie (Bretagne Regional Institute for Innovation and Business Intelligence) and elected member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Rennes-Bretagne, He is an Expert before the EU Commission on the EU Unitary Patent and the EEUPC (project of EU Patent Court), Vice-Chair of the IPR WG at EABC (Europe-ASEAN Business Center), and an active member of the IPR WG at EUCCC (European Chamber of Commerce in China). He is a former President of CNCPI (Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle – French Institute of Industrial Property Attorneys) and past President of CNIPA (Committee of National Institutes of IP Attorneys, gathering all main national IP Attorney Institutes in the EU).

VIDON is Vice-President of REPI (Réseau Entreprises et Propriété Industrielle) (Industrial Property Company Network), President of NOVINCIE ( Institute for the practice of innovation and business economic intelligence), and President of Prop’In (Recherches en Economie de la PI) (IP Economic Research). He is a former President of a CNCPI (Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle) (French Institute of Industrial Property Attorneys), former member of the “Conseil National de Concertation des Professions Libérales” (French National Consultation Board for Free Professions) and a former Board member of CEIPI (Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Industrielle, Strasbourg) (International Industrial Property Studies centre) and INPI (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle) (French Patent Office).


Recent Publications (selection)

  • “What are offering IP Attorneys to corporate in 2014?” (in French) (2014)
  • “Creating value and transferring technology : the case of 3D printers” (in French) (2013)
  • “IP : what strategies for companies in the PRC in 2012” (2011)
  • “Chine : de leader de la contrefaçon à leader de l’innovation ?” (China : from leader of counterfeiting to leader of innovation), Cahiers de la Sécurité (2011)
  • “2011 world IP trends” (KIIP – Research Institute of KIPO, Korean IP Office) – 2010
  • « Intellectual Property Rights at the service of Information Society », Institute for Foreign and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), Paris, in « Savoir et relations internationales » PUF. 2010 (in French)
  • « International trade regulation by means of Intellectual Property Law » (French Directory of International Relations) – 2010 (in French) PUF 2001
  • (…)

Recent Conferences

Numerous lectures and speeches, particularly about IP strategies, the protection of IP in China and in Asia, the issue of patents vs. standards, the implementation of an internal IP organization in small and medium-sized companies, how to conduct an IP audit, contractual strategies in competitiveness clusters (Beijing, Shanghai, Hong-Kong, Bangkok, Seoul, Manila, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Europe, …)

Recent lectures in English

  • IP Strategies in Europe (CEIPI Summer Course on IP ; Strasbourg ; July 2013)
  • IP protection in Thailand (ASEAN IPR Helpdesk ; webinar ; July 2013)
  • IP and Business intelligence (ACFCI ; Paris ; June 2013)
  • Using Intellectual Property for succesful technology transfers (TII conférence ; Beijing; May 2013)
  • IP protection in ASEAN countries (ASEAN IPR Helpdesk ; webinar ; April 2013)
  • Patent strategies in ASEAN countries (European Patent Office; Vienna, Austria; April 2013)